Real-time info is available for our bus, train, ferry and tram services in South East Queensland and buses in Cairns, Bowen, Innisfail, Fraser Coast and North Stradbroke Island.

Real-time information provides accurate predictions for the next services departing from your stop or station. Using real-time info you can check when your next bus, train, ferry or tram is predicted to depart from your stop or station. This means you can make public transport choices based on actual travel time, not just scheduled times, which may vary depending on traffic or weather conditions.

How to access real-time info

To get real-time information about your service, check your stop or station page:

  • Web: Visit our real-time stops and stations search and enter your location (stop/station/terminal name, stop ID or address). Services due to depart within the next 60 minutes will show a real-time countdown.
  • App: Download the MyTranslink app on to your smartphone, go to the 'Favourites' tab and enter your location (stop/station/terminal name, stop ID or address). You can then save this stop to quickly see real-time info via the 'Plan' and 'Timetable' tabs.
  • QR code: With your smartphone, view the printed timetable at your stop and scan the QR code displayed (if available) to go straight to real-time info.
  • Call: Ring our Contact Centre on 13 12 30 anytime.

Please note that real-time information is not currently available via our journey planner or the MyTranslink app for Toowoomba or Sunshine Coast Hinterland services.

How does real-time work?

Real-time is a prediction based on the vehicle's current GPS location which is then compared with the scheduled time.

Real-time predictions are available for services operating within the next 60 minutes. These services display real-time predictions as a countdown. Services that are more than 60 minutes away will display their scheduled timetable.

If real-time is not available, services may display their normal scheduled timetable. When this occurs, the word 'scheduled' will appear under the service's departure time.

Some trains may also show as 'cancelled' or 'skipped', or indicate a change to the platform. These instances may occur if the vehicle is impacted by delays, network connectivity issues or is required to travel outside the service's normal route.